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Showing posts from July, 2017

Chef integration with Jenkins

Chef Continuous integration with Jenkins   We are going to setup with below diagram.  From workstation we are writing cookbooks and uploading them to chef server. Now every change in cookbook we need to upload these changes manually to chef server.   If we want to make it automated then we can use CI/CD tools like Jenkins and bamboo server. Here we are going to see Jenkins integration with chef server.  We are going to install Jenkins on workstation. Jenkins will check for the new codes from git and upload them to chef-server and after that we can execute the chef-client on chef client server.  we can follow Jenkins server installation on below url: Get login into console of Jenkins server and start creating project. Step 1: Get started creating of free style project. Step 2:  We need to choose git and paste the master repo path from where we want to get the codes. Step 3:  Here ...