remote docker host using docker client
In previous post (here) we have seen, by default docker is going to start
within host using UNIX socket unix:///var/run/docer.sock. At this time we can only manage docker
from the local machine, if we want to accept the connection requests
from a remote client we need to start the docker daemon on remote
port. So here we are going to setup the remote port.
First we need to stop the existing socket, we can stop it by using
the following comamnd:
# systemctl stop docker
Some time socket not get closed by stopping the service, so we can
remove the socket manually as well.
# rm -r /var/run/docker.sock
Now we can start it on a specific port by using following command:
# docker -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock -d &
Now we can verify it using following command:
# netstat -tupnl | grep 5050
Let's try to access the docker port from the remote client.
# docker -H ps
Here is my docker host ip.
Now also we can create the container using the remote port.
# docker -H run -it –name linux-container ubuntu
We can verify it now using the ls command, because this is the
interactive container.
# ls
<=== Previous post about the Linux Container Installation and Configuration ===>
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