Cockpit can manage containers via docker. This functionality is present in the Cockpit docker package.
Cockpit communicates with docker via its API via the /var/run/docker.sock unix socket. The docker API is root equivalent, and on a properly configured system, only root can access the docker API. If the currently logged in user is not root then Cockpit will try to escalate the user’s privileges via Polkit or sudo before connecting to the socket.
Alternatively, we can create a docker Unix group. Anyone in that docker group can then access the docker API, and gain root privileges on the system.
[root@rhel8 ~]# yum install cockpit-docker -y
Once the package installed then "containers" section would be added in the dashboard and we can manage the containers and images from the console.
We can search or pull an image from docker hub just by searching with the keyword like nginx centos.
Once the Image downloaded we can start a container from it based on our specifications
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